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October 2023 Post Leadership Letter


Post Commander:

Thanks to the Auxiliaries for their participation during the Parking Lot Sale. Parking Lot Sales are the perfect opportunity for community engagement. I was able to interact with Veterans and pass out Membership Applications to potential new Post members.

Thanks to the USS Michael Monsoor (Paul and Morgan), Linda, Denise and all the volunteers who provided Breakfast and Dinners at the Post.

Sr Vice Commander:

As everyone is busy preparing for the upcoming fall festivities, I hope you can take a moment out of your hectic day to help support our Post’s membership drives and Buddy Poppy fundraising events. It has been great to see so many new and familiar faces around the post recently. This month’s parking lot sale will again have a table set up to register membership in both VFW and Auxiliary. Last month we were successful in recruiting new members and sharing the VFW’s mission at a variety of community events to include the Post monthly parking lot sale, the Post bike night, and an American Heart Association fundraising event in San Diego. As we move into expanding our recruiting and fund raising efforts, we are planning on hosting a Buddy Poppy and Membership drive at the local Home Depot on Broadway this month – please email me at and include Buddy Poppy in the subject line for date and times. As always, if you have any recommendations for growing membership or have folks you wish to refer for us to contact, please email me at and include Membership in the subject line. I hope to see MANY more of you around the post. Cheers, Todd

President VFW Riders:

We would like to congratulate one of our own post members for being selected, tested, and promoted to Chief, MAC Katie “Mama Das” Killip. We appreciate all the post support and community members attending our last Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser. We were able to earn over $200 in food cards for those Sailors in need onboard the USS Michael Monsoor. We look forward to your continued patronage as we host our 1st year birthday celebration as Riders of Post 2082. We will be celebrating from 6-8 pm on Tuesday, October 17th serving steak dinner with salad, mashed potato, veggies, dinner roll, and dessert. We will also be recognizing those who served in Afghanistan Enduring Freedom, awarding the best Halloween costume contest, music, and raffles. Our ride in September to the USS Iowa was a great success! We endured less than hospitable weather had a great group of Riders from various VFW and American Legion Posts join us in the ride to Long Beach, CA (over 400 miles round trip). This was an amazing honor for us to represent our post by supporting District One leadership led POW/MIA memorial event. This month’s ride is to Idyllwild, CA to visit the American Legion Post 800, on Sunday, 22 October. So, if you are interested in learning more, please email us at for more information and include Riders in the subject line. We hope to see you around the community, Cheers, Viper

Jr Vice Commander:

Thanks to everyone who helped with the many events during the Month. Lupe (Past District 1 President) will be cooking Chicken Enchiladas and Rice Friday October 6th. Come eat and enjoy. This month we will turn up the fun meter a tad bit starting with the Halloween Party Potluck on the 28th (6-10 pm) and Trunk or Treat on Halloween Day (5:30-8 pm). There will be cash prizes for Best Halloween Costumes!! Please contact me if you would like to be one of the 3 judges. Sign-up sheets are posted for Trunk or Treat participants and people who would like to provide food for the Potluck.

Center TV as well as flyers posted at the bar lists all events and Post happenings.


Sr Vice Commander, Todd, and I received a very warm welcome at Monterey Heights Elementary School PTA Meeting. We’re continuing to establish a presence to foster community involvement, volunteer opportunities and put the word out about VFW Youth Programs. We will be providing 8 volunteers for the school Harvest Festival on October 27th. Monies raised will go towards the school’s youth activities. Great turnout for August/September Birthday Celebration. Thanks to Andrea, Kassandra, and her crew for cooking the tasty Teriyaki Chicken Bowls. The Fall Food Drive will benefit Heaven’s Window, a community resource network, and Food Bank Distributor in Spring Valley. Collections will be going through Mid-November. Donations are greatly appreciated.

Auxiliary President

September was a very busy month for me. Oh my goodness it’s been a crazy month. Both Mike and I recovered from Covid. Then I went to Oregon to see my daughter it was a wonderful trip. I didn’t want to come back. One of the best things about it was visiting a VFW in Bend Oregon. They were very welcoming and friendly and we enjoyed a drink and visited with the members there.

I want to thank you for all the support that came to my last dinner. It was very successful. We have a lot of plans for this month. It’s a busy month at our post. There is a dinner coming up on October 6th. It is a fiesta dinner. We have also a trunk or treat coming up on the October 31 the night of Halloween. This is for the kids. We hope lots of children attend. Spread the word it will be a lot of fun decorate your car and hand out candy to the children. We are also having our traditional Halloween party on Saturday, October 28. Come dressed in your costumes. It’s is a potluck. It will be a lot of fun. I look forward to seeing everybody there. If anybody is interested, the Susan Komen Cancer walk is on Sunday, November 5 I will be walking. If anybody wants to join me, we can make a group effort out of it. Let me know. I also want to send my condolences to Bobby Dameron and we are praying. My thoughts are with him for a speedy recovery. Bobby, please rest and we will see you soon.

Our next parking lot sale is Saturday, October 13 we are looking for volunteers. Mike and I will not be here that weekend to help Rosie so please reach out to Rosie if you can help. She could use your help.

Everyone, please stay healthy and have a great month and I will see you at all these events.

Thank you very much.

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