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May 2023 Commander and Aux Commander letters

Dear Comrades and Auxiliary,

As most of you already heard I will no longer be your Post Commander after 12 years. The Post has decided it's time for a change. Congratulations to our new elected officers, Post and Auxiliary.

There will be a Mass Installation May 13th at the Carter-Smith VFW Post 5867 for newly elected officers starting at 10:00 am.

I'd like to thank Vern and Andrea for installing the metal racks in the Boy Scout room, liquor room and walk in cooler. What a difference it makes. Especially in the Boy Scout room.

For the Post’s Day of Service, our Service Officer, Laurie, is sponsoring a food drive with the food being donated to the food bank. Boxes are located in the canteen. Please help this cause.

I'll be presenting awards to the Mt. Miguel High School JRROTC on May 23rd. If you would like to attend it will be held in the gym at 6:00 pm.

I'll be on vacation from May 5th through May 16th so Andrea please take care of the fort in my absence.

Chapter 19

We got orders that our whole unit, the 70th Combat Engineers will be leaving Pleiku and relocating to Ban Me Thout.

We (Battalion) packed all our equipment and gear which took a few days. Our convoy was ready to pull out first thing in the morning. Well, Charlie knew we were leaving and the mortars and rockets started coming in during the early morning hours. Some of the equipment was damaged and of course there was loss of lives and wounded personnel from the attacks. We were up all night and we still left at day break.

We arrived in Ban Me Thout around dusk without any incidents on the way there. We had an advance party already there with one strand of wire around our perimeter. We dug in for the night, all of us exhausted from no sleep. We (communications) had to set land lines (phones) to all the fox holes in our section. We dug in (fox holes) it was pitch black and a light rain. Some guys were bitten by scorpions when they were digging in. There were three guys per hole. It was my turn to pull guard. I was so tired that I dozed off and when I opened my eyes a firefly lit up right in front of me and scared the crap out of me. I opened fire. The whole perimeter lit up. It was like 4th of July. It was a long night for all us.

Wishing all the Mothers of Post and Auxiliary of Post 2082 a Happy Mother's Day!

Yours in Comradeship

Tony Bordine

Message from the Auxiliary President

Happy Spring to everyone, well we’ve had a better month of weather. The rain has been a lot less recently and now everything is blooming. As well as Auxiliary, we have bloomed into a beautiful, hard-working Auxiliary. I’m excited to say that we have met our goals for membership and will continue to welcome new members anytime. I welcome all our new members. I am so happy to see new faces and their participation in volunteering. We appreciate all the help with the parking lot sale. I thank all my volunteers and the men that help Rosie at every parking lot sale. Our next parking lot sale is going to be on May 6. I would like to thank the people that bake and bring their baked goods for the parking lot sales, and for the volunteers that work it. I would like to congratulate all of our members from the Post and the Auxiliary that have become board members for this upcoming season. I’m looking forward to working with everyone as this will be my second year as President of the Auxiliary. I’m here to support all the board members and help whenever needed. I will be hosting and cooking a dinner on May 19 starting at 5:30 PM. Look for flyers being posted soon. We will be having a mass installation from our district on May 13 and I will be attending and looking forward to going. If anyone is interested in cooking for the Auxiliary, please let me know. Linda’s breakfast will be on May 21. She always puts on a good spread and Mike continues to help with our celery. Thank you for all that you do. If anyone has any questions in regards to volunteering, please let me know and we always welcome new members if you know anybody or have a family member that would like to join. Have a great and healthy month.


Denise Swerdloff


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