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February 2024 Post Leadership Letter

Post Commander: Hey Comrades, hope you're all doing well and staying safe and healthy during these times. Just a quick reminder that if you were affected by the recent storm, VFW has a Homeowner Disaster relief fund available for all members in good standing. Please reach out to Dave Moran or me for more information on how to apply for the fund. Also, a big thank you to everyone who volunteered at our recent events. Your hard work and dedication are truly appreciated, and we couldn't have done it without you. I would like to give a special shoutout to our Chaplain for providing support to all members during their time of need.

It's great to see our efforts to recruit new members are paying off, and we're currently at 97% with new applications coming in steadily. Let's welcome our new members and build friendships with them. Remember, our Post is only as good as we all make it. If you have any ideas or want to get more involved, there are plenty of opportunities to do so. Our Post meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm, and the House Committee meetings are on the first Thursday of the month at 5:00 pm. These meetings are open to all members, so feel free to bring up any ideas or concerns you may have. Finally, if you're doing something in the community and would like to get involved with our veterans, please let me know. I'm always looking to schedule events to work with our veterans and give back to the community. Thanks, everyone!

Sr Vice Commander: In the coming months we will be meeting up with new veterans on bases, continuing to make phone calls to encourage existing members to renew their membership, and host some very exciting membership drives at the post.  If you have any recommendations for growing our post membership or have folks you would like to join our team of veterans please ask them to email me at and include Membership in the subject line.  Cheers, Todd

President VFW Riders: We would like to remind all that we have a ride planned out to Yuma, AZ on Saturday, 17 February, to the Yuma Proving Grounds so please contact our Road CAPT at for more information and include VFW Riders, Post 2082 in the subject line. Our 2024 schedule has been created and posted, so for those interested in participating please visit the post for a copy. Also, if you are interested in learning more about the VFW Riders, please email us at for more information and include VFW Riders in the subject line. Cheers, Viper

Chaplain: As our community is recovering from a historic storm, we need to prepare for more rain. Alert San Diego has links for recovery, preparedness and resources. The mobile app is available for download for Apple and Android. Home ( A Lemon Grove food distribution is scheduled for February 17, 2024 at the Lemon Grove Recreation Center from 0900 until 1200 or the food runs out.

Our Comrade, Joe Brunner, has been hospitalized for breathing issues and is now in the rehabilitation facility at the corner of Waite Street and Massachusetts. Visitors are welcome.

The Secretary of the Navy has announced the naming of a new Destroyer after WWII hero Charles French the Human Tugboat. Please see the following link to learn more about his incredible service:

Auxiliary President: Happy new year to everyone. I hope this year find everyone healthy.We had a very successful fish dinner put on by Mike and Theresa. I want to thank Rosie and our new member Janice Cooper for volunteering in the kitchen. I want to also thank Vern and Care for helping with the birthday dinner this past month. We had to reschedule the parking lot sale this month to February 17. We are always looking for volunteers and baked goods to sell. Please contact Rosie for more information about that. We have our district meeting this coming weekend February 4. I will be sharing all the information with everyone at our next meeting.The bar will be hosting a Super Bowl party and potluck. Andrea will be putting a sign-up list for this event. Look for more details coming soon. Mike and Linda are cooking breakfast this Sunday, February 4. There is a menu posted on the bulletin board. Please come and support our Auxiliary. Please send prayers and good thoughts for Joe Brunner. He was back in the hospital again this past week. To all our members that were affected by the floods last week. We hope that you can recover quickly with your homes. Please check the emails for updates with resources that are available for you. Our next Auxiliary meeting will be the second Tuesday of the month. I look forward to seeing all of you. It’s always great to have a good turnout at the meeting. I appreciate everybody’s help and all my volunteers.


Denise Swerdloff

Auxiliary President.

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